Emma's Mom and Dad have cast the Baby Bee's lot in with hundreds, perhaps thousands, of other adorable baby girls this month in the form of the 2009 Gap Casting Call. This contest came up and we thought, what the heck, let's see where it goes. If you, dear readers, would be so kind as to vote for Emma, she could have a shot at being one of the finalists. However, there is a registration process, which can be an annoying hurdle. While it does ask for your e-mail, address and phone number, you can opt out of updates from Gap and Disney. Per the contest Web site, your phone number would only be contacted if you, yourself, entered a child in the contest and he or she were a winner. Please take a couple of minutes to check the link and see what you think! After the initial registration process, you are encouraged to come back and vote every day until Nov. 17th! This will help the Bee's chances. Thank you!