Emma is learning to take baths in the "big tub." This is a milestone for her, since until about a week ago, she has been bathed exclusively in an infant tub in the sink. Now, she's getting used to a new room and a new tub in which to take her baths. I thought it might ease any anxiety she might feel by plunking her in an enormous, inflatable rubber duck and make quacking noises at her. Sounds fun, right? Sadly, the transition was not so smooth, at first.
Basically, Emma hated the duck tub with the fiery passion of a thousand suns, which no amount of cajoling, singing, soothing or pleading could mollify. I tried just about everything I could think of, short of standing on my head while singing the national anthem, to distract her from her giant-duck-induced distress. I'm not sure why she hated it so much, or the bathroom, for that matter. Maybe the acoustics or the harsh lighting? I know I hate our bathroom.
True to form, however, she came around after about three days. And, now she gets an initial quiver in her bottom lip and then decides she's OK in the giant ducky. Seriously, who doesn't want to bathe in a giant duck?? I ask you. Just a little slice of heaven.
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