Emma surprised me tonight by reaching one of those long-awaited, treasured milestones: She pulled herself to a standing position all on her own.
During bath time, I had placed her light-up ducky (thanks, Peachie!) on the edge of the tub, and forgotten all about it. Well, Emma didn't forget about it and decided to go for the gold. Sure as a baby fawn, she pulled herself up onto her sturdy legs and grabbed the duck. I, of course, did not have a camera within arm's reach - Cripes! - so I posted some equally cute pictures of her doing something completely unrelated...but, don't despair, dear readers! More bath pictures are to follow!
Once the baby bee got a taste of the upright life, she decided to do it over and over again, which made bath time interesting, to say the least. I didn't want to discourage her from her newfound talent, but I was growing concerned that the combination of a huge ducky tub full of water, shaky legs and slippery plastic bathtoys were a recipe for disaster. Ah, well, we shall have to practice on terra firma from here on out.
OMG she's on her feet. Lock down everything! Look out, kitties, your nemesis is about to catch up with you!