Emma has not quite started crawling yet, but that's not to say she isn't mobile. To wit: I caught her wiggling her way up to the cat foot bowl two nights ago and hurriedly cramming a fistful of kibble into her mouth like it was going out of style. This leads me to suspect that she's been eyeballing it for months now...watching...waiting...plotting...scheming for just the right moment when I had my back turned...Gah! I was so surprised that I didn't recognize a golden photo opportunity when I had it. Oh well, plenty more to be had, I'm sure. Just this afternoon, Emma dragged herself on her belly to the toy basket in her room and picked out one of her lovies. Then, after she had found what she wanted, the baby bee promptly replaced the basket to its upright position. Hmm. Boy, am I in for it.
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