Day Three of the five-day sojourn to Oklahoma brought a welcome relief from the motel circuit, thanks to our dear friend Peachie. We arrived in Albuquerque and set up shop with our two kitties and the baby bee at Peachie's new desert digs. She welcomed us with open arms and perfectly mixed margaritas, yummm! Our hostess with the mostess also cooked an excellent dinner, provided the comfiest bed on our trip, yet, and even let us do a couple loads of laundry. Thanks, Peachie!
The city of Albuquerque took our breath away as soon as we crested the final hill leading into the sun-burnished metropolis. Everything from the ornate freeway overpasses to the Spanish- and Native American-themed statuary to the majestic Rio Grande convinced us that we were entering a city full of personality, culture and historical heritage. No less impressive were the stoic Sandia Mountains hemming in the city to the east and the sweeping desert vistas. It was incredible! Unfortunately, Emma's Mom and Dad were having such a great time that we didn't pause to take a few pictures while staying in Albuquerque. But, we do have some pictures from the road. Enjoy!
Wonderful writing as you sojourn across the mid-southern US! Keep it up!