Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Ladies of Leisure
How lovely to be a baby: After a long day of eating, napping, playing, and being lovingly pushed around in a space-age stroller, you get to round out your afternoon with a leisurely soak in the pool. The baby bee got to spend a relaxing afternoon with her friend and neighbor Kaitlin in a sun-warmed pool replete with sprinkling turtles and colorful sea critters. It was awesome!
While the girls stared intently at each other, Emma's Mom soaked up some Oklahoma sun and chatted with Kaitlin's Mom and Dad. We were all delighted by how well Emma and Kaitie shared toys. A first for the baby bee! She usually likes to fake people out by dangling an item in front of them and then snatching it away at the last minute. (Honestly, I have no idea where she learned that!) But, Kaitie and Emma passed toys back and forth while chatting animatedly in their mysterious baby language. After pool time, the girls munched on gold fish crackers and got ready to head in for dinner.
Thank you, Katie's Mom and Dad, for inviting us over for pool time and providing yummy snacks! We had a great time. And, thank you, Katie's Mom, for the precious pool pics.
Best Toy Ever
Emma’s friend Addie recently got a sand and water table to play with outside and it is just adorable. Luckily, Addie lives right next door and loves to share. So, we went and hung out with Addie and Addie’s Mom after the hospital visit, which was just the perfect way to unwind and bask in the deliciously warm sun. The girls happily buzzed and babbled at each other, the table and us, while dipping their hands in the water and letting the sand run between their fingers. The table features two halves, one containing sand, and the other a system of moats and bridges to hold the water. It’s the best! You can splash or float little boats in the water, dig your shovel through the sand, or, eat the sand, if that’s your thing. And, for those of us who live more than 400 miles from the ocean, it’s a great way to bring the beach a little closer to home. Thank you to Addie and Addie’s Mom for a terrific afternoon.
Back on Track
Since moving to our new place, we have fallen a few weeks behind on our doctor’s visits. Today, we finally got caught up with the baby bee’s vaccines. It was a hectic day, consisting of waiting, waiting and more waiting! Emma had a brief exam, during which she got to play with the doctor’s stethoscope, watch her blood pressure get taken with what might have been tiniest toe monitor I’ve ever seen and get her ears examined. After that, we were whisked away to the lab for a blood sample, but there was a miscommunication with our lab order, which resulted in a back-and-forth dance from family medicine and the lab. Finally, we got seen and the poor bee had her finger poked by the little puncher thingy. She was actually OK at that point but then became quite distressed while the lab technician collected the sample.
Then, there was more waiting at the immunization lab, while I steeled myself for the injections. Usually, Emma is pretty mellow with shots, but I was worried that the combination of the exam, the endless waiting and blood draw had taxed her patience to the breaking point. Sure enough, the baby bee burst into tears as soon as she received the first shot. I felt just awful! Poor Emma. What a day. And, it didn’t end there. We had to go the pharmacy afterward and pick up a couple of prescriptions, and two hours in the hospital and a very hungry baby told me that this would be less than fun. Luckily, we ran into a friend and she not only kept us company while we waited, but also magically produced a granola bar from her purse for Emma. Thank you, Krista! You saved the day.
Here’s hoping we don’t have to go back to the hospital for a couple of months!
Silly Stretching
I crack up whenever the baby bee performs what I’ve dubbed the Ballerina Stretch. She loves to do it at the park by our house and, luckily, I had a camera on me this time. Whenever we go there, she heads for the little set of stairs leading up to the slide and just goes wild. She meticulously examines the stairs, touches them and deliberates whether or not to climb them. When she can’t make up her mind, she settles for just stretching and doing her reps, and, thus, the Ballerina Stretch!
Walking With Daddy
Emma loves spending time with her dad and right now her favorite thing to do is walk, walk, walk! So, naturally, she wants to walk with Daddy! She has continued taking little steps on her own, but prefers to have a little assistance. Emma’s Dad wanted pictures of this pastime as they cruised around the house together. Voila!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
First Steps
My goodness, what a day. Emma seemed to grow up before my very eyes today as she literally took her first steps into a larger world. Hesitantly and haltingly, she took tentative steps toward me and it felt as if a bubble grew around us, a slow, still bubble where a single heartbeat lasted a minute and a breath a lifetime, while the rest of the world spun and thrived around us. Then, she was in my arms, having walked to me and I felt like if she could walk, then I could fly. It was the most wonderful feeling. Thank you to Nana Bee and Nicci for helping and encouraging Emma to take her first steps. You made my week! And, thank you to Nana for all of the wonderful pictures this week.
First Kiss
It’s that cherished experience of which we all dream when we are young, wondering when it will happen and with whom. The baby bee had not long to wonder, as she was kissed earnestly by her dear friend, Sean, this morning after story time at the library. Their eyes met across the room, Sean ran to Emma, and, as they say, the rest is history. Emma was rendered speechless by the whole exchange, and I think it’s safe to say she was swept off her feet by the dashing and chivalrous Sean. What a sweetheart!
I Heart Nana Bee
Emma has been thrilling with the news of Nana Bee’s visit for the last month or so, with the mounting anticipation culminating in a flurry of cleaning, grocery buying and appointing of the guest room. (Sadly, I cannot say the room is well appointed, seeing as it is cursed with the dreadful presence of the air mattress. However, Nana Bee is a saint and says she sleeps just fine on it.) Needless to say, the baby bee is ecstatic that her beloved grandmother is here, bestowing hugs, kisses and sweet treats that are the purview of grandparents the world over. Her little face breaks into a huge grin every time she sees Nana, almost as if they are part of a secret society that is reuniting after a long hiatus.
Nana Bee’s visit hit the ground running, starting day one. So far, we have frolicked at the playground, splashed in the wading pool and “Ooed and ahhed” our way through a Japanese Hibachi-style dinner. Good times!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Raspberries: A "Just Because" Post
Outdoor Fun
It's not always sunny here, but, when it is, the baby bee and I like to head outside for some lawn time. We have a little tree where we set up camp, which often includes music and a stack of unread magazines for Emma's Mom and a bag of toys and snacks for Emma. It feels wonderful to be outside in the warm, thick air that instantly thaws any thoughts of the cold, cold winter wind. The baby bee gets to touch the sun-warmed earth, look at bugs and practice walking with her little cart, and Emma's Mom gets to stretch out and catch up on whatever Real Simple, In Style or similar has to offer. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon!
Give Me Your War Face!
The baby bee finds no greater pleasure in life than when given whipped cream. Chocolate, regular - whatever kind - puts her on cloud nine with a generous side of baby sugar rush. So, when she gets all worked up, she clenches her fists, shudders, then growls. It's a little ritual Emma's Mom and Dad have dubbed the "War Face." We tried to catch it on "film," but were not fast enough. So, we give you her "Supreme Happiness Whilst Squishing Whipped Cream Through My Tiny Fists of Fury" face, instead.
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