How lovely to be a baby: After a long day of eating, napping, playing, and being lovingly pushed around in a space-age stroller, you get to round out your afternoon with a leisurely soak in the pool. The baby bee got to spend a relaxing afternoon with her friend and neighbor Kaitlin in a sun-warmed pool replete with sprinkling turtles and colorful sea critters. It was awesome!
While the girls stared intently at each other, Emma's Mom soaked up some Oklahoma sun and chatted with Kaitlin's Mom and Dad. We were all delighted by how well Emma and Kaitie shared toys. A first for the baby bee! She usually likes to fake people out by dangling an item in front of them and then snatching it away at the last minute. (Honestly, I have no idea where she learned that!) But, Kaitie and Emma passed toys back and forth while chatting animatedly in their mysterious baby language. After pool time, the girls munched on gold fish crackers and got ready to head in for dinner.
Thank you, Katie's Mom and Dad, for inviting us over for pool time and providing yummy snacks! We had a great time. And, thank you, Katie's Mom, for the precious pool pics.
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