An eponymous post! It was a moment too perfect not to document: The Baby Bee in a bee suit. After being cooped up in the house all weekend due to the endless — but welcome — rain, Emma's Mom got out to indulge in a little retail therapy. I set my course for Old Navy, as I knew they had just put out Halloween costumes and was eager to get a leg up on one of my favorite holidays. Faced with the infinite cuteness of puffy lion, duck and monkey costumes, I was at a loss. What should Emma be for Halloween, this year? An adorable alligator suit caught my eye, but it didn't quite feel right, and, frankly, it made me think of a scene from Flashdance — but, I digress. I love pirates, but the pirate costume seemed too complex and likely to be cast off in a million pieces halfway through Halloween night. I was strongly considering the pretty, pink fairy dress with yards of tulle and a maze of ribbons, when I saw the tell-tale black and yellow stripes and glossy yellow wings of the bumble bee. Eureka! Something clicked in my rain-sogged brain, and fighting off images of the bee girl from Blind Melon's "No Rain" video, I decided this was the year to be a bee, or, dare I say, the year to bee. I triumphantly brought the the little bundle of joy home and presented it to Emma, who was smitten. I helped her into her bee suit, and Emma's Dad helped her buzz around the house until she folded her wings in contented exhaustion. Halloween can't come fast enough!