A couple of mornings each week, I take Emma to the library playgroup on post. It's a charming room dedicated to babies and small children and contains a veritable treasure trove of toys that possess the special quality of appearing brand new to our tots. At maximum capacity, it can get a little chaotic, with 30 moms and their children participating in a frenzied autobahn of playing, soothing, rescuing snatched toys, and saving a confused toddler from the massing traffic jam on the room's only slide.
However, I have to say it is one my favorite activities during the week. The Baby Bee gets so much out of being around other children her age, as well as the young babies. I do have to keep a close eye on her, because she can get a little too interested in the wee ones. Most days, we go with Greyson and his mom, Lindsey, and Emily and her mom, Sara. On this particular occasion, I remembered to bring my camera and catch a few snaps of the action.
LOVE the library pics - super cute one of G :) Love all your blog updates, in fact.