Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Shutterbugs return

Hello, hello! We interrupted our regular programming to, um, do things. So sorry for the lag. During the break, Emma's Mom got a new camera from Emma's grandparents! Thanks, Mom and Dad! So, the Christmas camera is making its debut tonight, and, what better time to break out it than bath time? Bubbles, duckies and fauxhawks abound! Now, out of the 53 shots I took, I think three were usable. However, Emma was a very willing and understanding model, as I fumbled and puttered, so it was a very enjoyable experience. I have included my favorite ones, and more posts will follow as I figure out my new gear! Happy belated 9-month birthday to the baby bee. She is crawling pretty quickly on her tummy, and, can even be seen resting on all fours, or rocking and back and forth.
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