I've noticed that the Baby Bee gets a lot of free things when we're out and about. One day, when we were at our friendly neighborhood Wal Mart, she was given two toys by two different ladies. Another time, at a market in California, a nice man at the checkout gave her a balloon. Emma loves getting gifts (what girl doesn't?), and graciously accepts all manner of trinkets, but nothing pleased her more than the ice cream cone she was given at the commissary the other day. Her eyes lit up like a pinball machine and she crowed exultantly at this strange and wonderful treat that she had never tried. I know, it is weird, isn't it? Somehow, in the last 17 and half months of experimenting with treats, I've neglected to give her an actual ice cream cone.
The commissary employees crowded around her expectantly, waiting to see her reaction. The Baby Bee studied the cone for a good five minutes and carefully tasted a little bit on the tip of her finger before deciding the cone was a go. Once she took the first bite, I'm afraid it was the beginning of a life-long love. Emma clutched the cone like it was a golden ticket and happily consumed the entire thing by the time we got home. I wish I had managed to snap a few pictures while we were in the store, but I did get a couple once we were outside. Thank you, nice commissary man, who was celebrating his birthday with a soft-serve machine that day and was kind enough to share with Emma.
First, I found your blog - adorable :) Second, why didn't I go to the commissary on free ice cream day....darn it!