One of our favorite places to go is the indoor play area at the local mall. Tucked away at the end of the mall, the play area is kind of its own world. When you're inside, you feel a bit like Alice after eating the side of the mushroom that makes her very small. All of the soft, spongy structures are cartoonishly over-sized for the wee ones to climb and play on safely. As you sit on the floor of the play area, you might find yourself dwarfed by a giant bird eating a worm, a towering pile of blocks or a stacking ring on steroids, while the kaleidoscope of colors makes you feel as though you have been transported to Rainbow Brite's secret headquarters.
The children are a whipped into a frenzy by the stimulating colors, sights and textures and careen around like whirling dervishes until they collapse in an exhausted, hungry heap. Not infrequently, a teary, shoeless child is whisked away by their parents for emergency lunchtime or naptime after an extended bout in the play area.
Occasionally, shoppers and other passersby will pause and watch the mayhem going on inside this bright and cheerful bubble. Their expressions are a bit wistful, making me wonder if they miss their own children, who may be long grown up and busy with their own lives, or are considering having a wee one of their own.
On this particular occasion, we went with friends new and old, and had a wonderful time. Emma enjoyed spending time with Baby Zoe, Emily and her brother Eli, and the intrepid Greyson, whose cheeks I just want to squeeze. Until next time!
We're blog celebrities now - "intrepid" perfect word for my darling boy :) We had lots of fun with you guys running around like monkeys at the mall.