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Friday, August 21, 2009

Patience Is A Big, Big Virtue

I don't have any pictures for this post - how I wish I did - but I felt it had to go up, anyway. Emma was just trooper tonight, as Tom and I completed the second half of the aforementioned secret mission. With wonderful input from friends and family, we deliberated for a few days about getting a new car. We weren't planning on a new, new car, necessarily, but at least a healthy upgrade from our current one, which recently reached the outer limit of its surprisingly short lifespan. So, tonight, we found ourselves at a local dealership until about 10:00 p.m., and poor Emma was just spent. She had already had a pretty full day, and this was a lot to ask of her. However, she persevered with the help of several cookies and other treats from the nice lady at reception, who also chased her around the dealership and tirelessly regaled the Baby Bee with a plethora of silly faces and peek-a-boo.

As my dear readers may know, a trip to the car dealership can be a tiring experience. Much like a marathon runner, you try to pace yourself as you're inundated with car choices, gregarious salesmen and mountains of paperwork, while keeping your eye on the prize: A shiny new toy that will depreciate faster than you can say financing. Emma grew mellower and mellower as the night progressed and, by the time we were in final negotiations, she was contentedly plucking at one of her toys and humming tunelessly. After three and a half hours at the dealership, victory was ours, and we headed home in high spirits and a delightfully air-conditioned climate. Bye, bye, old car! Thank you, Baby Bee, for being such a sport. :)


  1. Congrats, Bee family. May your new ride provide miles and miles of comfort and safety!

  2. Congrats on the new car - glad it all worked out. Kudoes to Ms. Emma for being so amazing on such a late night....she'll be rewarded by riding in style.

  3. Hooray!!! So glad you have something air conditioned to drive more trips on the sun. :) Miss you girls!


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