Last night, the Baby Bee and I joined Kaitlin and her mom, Stephanie, for ice cream after completing a secret mission (which I may disclose later, depending on the outcome). Truth be told, I think the girls were more interested in climbing their seats than eating ice cream, but they each got a few good bites in while contemplating their surroundings.
It is funny how toddlers will be in the same room or booth, even, but lead parallel lives, patently ignoring each other until they are suddenly very aware of one another. Emma bounced restlessly in her booster seat, while Katie danced in her seat and looked out the window. However, once they realized they could reach each other over the table, it was a whole new game. They leaned in for kisses and spoke in their secret language, probably discussing the best way to escape under our noses.
After revving their engines with a super-dose of sugar, they babbled excitedly and made hilarious faces, which Emma's Dad and I call the "powering up face." It's a bizarre baby phenomenon: Usually when eating, Emma will stop, ball her hands into the fists of fury and strain until her face turns bright red, all the while keeping a maniacal grin on her face. We can't help but burst into surprised laughter, wondering what in the world brings on these little episodes. Maybe it's a result of raising one's blood sugar. Could you imagine how entertaining restaurants would be if we all did that?