Dear Readers, if you are still out there, we interrupted our regular programming for the last year and a half or so for the great adventure known as life. We have had our ups and our downs (mostly ups!), many changes and a couple of new additions to the family. In fall 2010, we adopted Phineas, a golden retriever/chow chow mix from our local shelter. Phineas can best be described as the oldest, laziest and most loving dog there ever was. Tom and I were looking for a dog that would fit in well with the rest of the circus, and he has quite well. He loves to sleep, eat and be adored by roving bands of small children. His favorite thing to do is go to the park and be petted by the kids...for hours.
The other addition to our family, the one for whom most of the changes took place and the blog got a facelift, is our new baby, Lily! Lovingly referred to as the Bunny, because of her sheer, um, bunny-ness, Lily is rapidly approaching six months at the end of May. So, as you can see, we have been busy! To make room for Lily on the blog, I have changed the title from "A Baby Bee" to "The Bee and the Bunny." Emma shall forever remain the Bee, of course, but as you can see from the pictures, she's not really a baby anymore. Despite adding the Bunny to the mix, we shall remain the Bee Family, which includes Tom, myself, Emma and Lily. Extended family members occasionally make an appearance, and they include Nana Bee (my mom), Papa Bee (my dad), Sue Bee (Tom's Mom), Fred Bee (Tom's stepdad) and Grandpa Bee (Tom's Dad).
In October, Tom received a new assignment, here, at Fort Sill. Our daily tempo has changed with the pace of his new job, but it's a welcome change! Also, Emma has started attending hourly care on base for a few hours a week to get some time out of the house and make new friends. The on-post facilities are wonderful and provide a nurturing environment for learning and fun. Eventually, we will start looking at preschool programs in the area. It's hard to believe the Baby Bee is now three! In the meantime, as the temperatures start to rise and the famous Oklahoma winds die down, we prepare ourselves for another Soonerville Summer, which means crushing heat, things with wings, and water parks :).
Thank you for bearing with me as I re-acclimate myself to the blogosphere and get back into the swing of things. As before, I promise pictures and a daily to semi-weekly narrative of the girls and their adventures. We appreciate your readership!
-The Bee Family
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